The premier dental implant centers in Dallas
Nov 26, 2017

3 Little Known Teeth Wrecking Habits that Lead to Dental Implants


Your smile is the gateway to new opportunities. New relationship, employment first impressions, nailing that perfect family photo are all reasons for you to want to take care of your natural smile. Although we have been groomed to believe that brushing and flossing are the best ways to maintain a set of pearly whites, there are other steps that need to be taken in order to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and jaw deterioration. Yes, dental implants are a great solution to these problems, but for some pointers, here are five of the top teeth wrecking habits that could lead to major oral problems in someone’s future.

Mints and Cough Drops Lead to Dental Implants

It is the time of the year where minty candies are beginning to take root in the stores and find a place in your home. Enjoy these treats in moderation and take your sugary cough drops when necessary. We know they taste good and make your breath smell like a wintery breeze, but keep in mind that the harder the treat, the longer the sugars have to seep into your tooth and start to cause problems.

These treats can even cause cracks in your teeth, but your Dallas dental implant specialist is prepared to help you with this issue.

Chips and Other Starchy Snacks

Starchy foods like chips, pretzels, and bagels are all other ways to slowly deteriorate your teeth. You may not notice it on the surface of these foods, but they are chocked full of sugars that eat away at your teeth and lead to dental implants as you consume what can be a daily food for some people.

Also, these foods form a paste after consumption that can stay on the teeth for hours until the next brushing. This paste combined with the natural acids of your mouth can erode teeth over time and create the need for dental implants to promote jawbone health.

Opening Things Leads to Teeth Implants“Let Me Open That”

These are four words that can easily lead to the cracking of your teeth or slicing your gums open. People tend to use their mouths to open difficult bags, stuck zippers, even beer bottles when there is no opener around.

While this seems like something that ‘everyone does,’ it really shouldn’t be. Ripping open things with your teeth is a little known self-harming habit that is a quick path to dental damage and dental implants.

Too Late? Let FastNewSmile Help!

At FastNewSmile we understand that tooth problems occur and sometimes teeth fall out due to lifelong bad habits or just plain bad luck. We are here to help you get your bright smile back for the holidays. Treat yourself or a loved one this year to dental implants that will last a lifetime. We are so confident in our work that we offer a lifetime guarantee for each of our procedures. Call us today for more information on how to schedule a consultation.

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