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Oct 10, 2018

4 Signs That Something is Wrong With Your Dental Implants

4 Signs That Something is Wrong With Your Dental Implants

As with any surgery, there is always the possibility for complications to occur post-dental implant surgery. While most people are concerned with the initial healing process, many don’t understand that even after the initial placement, without proper maintenance, implant failure can occur.

Knowing the signs that something is wrong with your teeth implants can help you decide to get back in with your oral surgeon before it is too late. Here are four warning signs that you should look out for after your dental implant surgery.

1.  Dental Implants Are in Discomfort and Pain

Keep in mind that pain is normal directly after your implant has been placed. This pain should last on average, a few days. If you notice that your pain is lingering long after your implant has been placed, your toothache could be a sign of implant failure.

If you feel like there could be a problem related to your pain, visit your oral surgeon. Catching an issue early can help prevent further complications.

2.  Trouble Chewing Food

Your dental implants have been designed to function just like your natural teeth. When you experience pain during biting and chewing this is a problem. Your implants should not impact your experience with biting in any way. Much like your natural teeth, pain during the eating process is a huge red flag that will not improve over time. If you are experiencing pain while chewing, this can be a sign of implant failure.

3.  Gum Inflammation

After your implant procedure, minor swelling of your gums is a common side effect. However, red and inflamed gums that persist long after your implant surgery is a sign of infection in the area.

Leaving a gum infection to fester in the mouth can lead to dire circumstances. Not only can your infection begin to impact other areas of your mouth, but it can also spread into your bloodstream, increasing the severity of the problem.

As soon as you feel that something is wrong and the symptoms are adding up to gum infection, you should make an appointment with your dentist. Like most oral complications, if this problem is caught early, you have a more positive outlook on the horizon.

Other signs of infection aside from bleeding or inflamed gums include:

  • Chronic bad breath
  • Fever
  • Pus in the implant area

4.  Your Dental Implants Feel “Loose”

An implant that has been properly placed and cared for post-surgery should feel like the average tooth. In reality, a patient should not feel the sensation of a foreign object in their mouth after surgery.

Your implant should show absolutely no signs of looseness or wiggling. If you experience even the slightest wiggle after your recovery period, see your oral surgeon immediately. Loose implants are not a minor problem and can cause serious and permanent damage to your gums and smile structure.

Schedule Your Consultation with FastNewSmile, Today!

Whether you need your implant repaired or simply want to discuss the options available for dental implant surgery, the professionals at FastNewSmile are here to help. We specialize in same-day implants that help you regain the confidence you’ve been missing in your smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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