The premier dental implant centers in Dallas
Sep 17, 2021

Can Dental Implants Become Infected?

Can Dental Implants Become Infected

Can Dental Implants Become Infected?

Dental implants are an investment that a patient would like to last a lifetime. While the majority of people that receive dental implants are graced with a white, beautiful smile, sometimes the unfortunate incident of an Infected Implantoccurs.

So, yes, implants can become infected. However, the good news is that with the right dental implant specialist and following post-operative instructions to the “T,” the likelihood of an implant-ruining infection is extremely low.

Here is a closer look at What Causes Dental Implant Infections, warning signs to look out for, and whether or not an infected implant is salvageable.

What Causes Dental Implant Infections?

Even with the best dental implant specialists in the industry, it’s possible that the area around your dental implants can become infected through Poor Hygiene, Bad Habits, or Natural Illnesses.

Some of the most common reasons behind a devastating infection include the following:

  • Allergic reactions to the dental implant’s material
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Bite misalignment

Signs of an Infected Dental Implant

Any of the issues above can result in an infected dental implant, which, in turn, could lead to Dental Implant Failure. If one knows the signs of an infection and can catch it early, their chances of a salvaged smile could vastly increase.


Although your implant site will be red and a bit swollen during the first part of your recovery, these side effects should dissipate after a few days.

Suppose you find that Redness and Swelling persist and are accompanied by a fever. In that case, this is a Sign of Infection that you should immediately take to your dental implant specialist.

Chewing Pain

Oral Pain is expected immediately after surgery. However, eventually, the pain should subside, and activities like chewing and talking should become comfortable again.

Pain that spreads Beyond The Implant Site and leads to discomfort and bleeding when chewing or talking is a red flag that something has gone wrong in your recovery process.

Bad Breath

Bacterial Buildup and a body’s adverse reaction to a dental implant can lead to a constant taste of bad breath. If you find that you can’t shake the bad breath or awful taste in your mouth, you could be experiencing an infection that puts your dental implants at risk.

Loose Implants

Once in place, your implants shouldn’t be going anywhere after recovery. If you discover a Loose Implant, seek immediate help from your prosthodontist. Loose Implants are a sure sign of infection and could mean that your body has rejected your dental implant.

Can a Prosthodontist Salvage an Infected Dental Implant?

As we’ve mentioned before, the sooner you catch the signs of an infection, the greater the chances are that we can help Save your Dental Implant.

However, if you ignore the signs of infection and it becomes severe, you may not retain the implant. Dental implants are substantial pieces of equipment, but patients should always Be Wary of any Early Signs of a problem.

Minimize The Risk of Dental Implant Infection With FastNewSmile

If you are a person that is ready to gift yourself the smile you deserve, make sure to let the dental implant specialists at FastNewSmile be the team to help you out.

Our same-day dental implant procedure guarantees a beautiful smile the day of your procedure. Trust us to offer the best practices in our industry and remain by your side from pre-op to detailed recovery instructions.

Schedule your free consultation today to learn more about how our procedures can benefit your smile!

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