The premier dental implant centers in Dallas
Sep 30, 2020

What to Expect: Pre-Op With Your Dental Implants

1 day dental implants

We’ve talked a lot about how to take care of your dental implants after your procedure from FastNewSmile® Dental Implant Center. However, your time with us doesn’t just throw you into our procedure. The day before your dental implant placements we have an extensive pre-op meeting with you to iron out the details for the big day.

Here’s a look at what to expect from our pre-op meeting and why knowing this information can help make your dental implant surgery even more satisfying.

Review of Potential Medical Conditions

Not everyone is a perfect candidate for same-day dental implants. Some people come to our offices with different levels of jawbone deterioration or other health conditions that could hinder the success of their procedure.

Keep in mind, pre-existing conditions aren’t an instant “no” from us, but a comprehensive understanding of your health is essential to keeping you comfortable throughout the process.

Advice on Your Daily Prescriptions

If you take daily medications, we need to know about them. While most essential medicines are safe for you to take prior to your surgery, there are several that should be avoided before your big day.

These medications are:

  • Aspirin
  • Plavix
  • Lovenox
  • Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatories

During your pre-op appointment, your doctor will inform you which medications to stop taking and when.

Dress for the Occasion

During your procedure, your blood pressure will be monitored for safety. In order to ensure that we get an accurate reading throughout your time with us, please dress for comfort.

You’ll be in the operating chair a while, so show up the morning of your appointment wearing comfortable clothing.

Avoid Wearing Makeup

Aside from dressing comfortably for your dental implant procedure, we also advise you to avoid wearing makeup the day of your appointment. Before we begin our work, we will thoroughly disinfect your chin, cheeks, lips, and nose.

Any cosmetics applied to these areas must be washed away because they create the risk of makeup contamination at your surgical site.

Pre-Arrange a Ride

After your procedure, you’ll still be under the influence of pain management medication and will be unable to legally drive. During the pre-op stage of your dental surgery, make sure you have a family member or friend who can drive you to and from our offices.

Stock Up for Post-Op Diet

Finally, the pre-op appointment is going to be where we discuss everything you need to know about the post-operative maintenance that will keep your new smile looking fresh. One of the most important aspects of post-op prep is making sure that you have enough soft and liquid foods to satiate you throughout the first weeks after your procedure.

Pick out your favorite ice-creams, fruit juices, and puddings. Treat your new smile with flavors that are enjoyable to you while you relax and heal.

FastNewSmile is By Your Side for Your Dental Implant Journey

If you are ready for a FastNewSmile® and know that you’re a perfect candidate for our same-day implant procedure, we’re ready to meet you. Our Dallas offices provide the highest-quality dental implant experience to our local and out of town patients.

Get the smile you’ve always dreamt of. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team.

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