Round 3: FastNewSmile® Zirconia Bridge Vs. A Tractor!

Our FastNewSmile® stress test has brought us to the greatest challenger of them all, a full-blown tractor! Our founder, Prosthodontist, Dr. Riad Almasri, waits excitedly to find out if his Zirconia bridge can hold up against the weight of the tractor that’s about to roll over his life’s work. “We tried to break it earlier […]
The FastNewSmile® Strength Test Round 2: Zirconia Bridge Vs GMC

Last month, the dental implant specialists of Fast New Smile put their signature Zirconia bridge to the test. Fortunately for our dental implant patients who rely on Zirconia bridges for oral strength, our bridge came out unscathed after being run over by a BMW. However, we are of the firm belief that there is always […]
FastNewSmile Dental Implants = 1, BMW = 0

The dental implant providers at FastNewSmile® are very confident in the quality of the product that we provide to our patients. Our Zirconia All-on-4 dental implant bridges are designed for our patients to enjoy for life. While a lifetime guarantee is pretty standard within the dental implant industry, we’ve decided to put our all-on-4® Dental […]